Guarantee | DB Cosmetics NZ

Money Back Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed You'll Love Our DB Beauty Products Or Your Money Back!

We stand behind our products. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your DB Cosmetics products, we offer a full refund less shipping. Simply, complete the form below and upload your proof of purchase receipt. We take all the risk out of ordering by offering an unmatched 90-day satisfaction guarantee. We‘ll always do our best to take care of you.

Step 1:
Fill out our money back guarantee form and select 'Submit'. Please then allow 1-2 business days for us to email you a copy of the returns form.

Step 2:
Print two copies of the returns form we email to you (keep one for your records).

Step 3:
Post the remaining product to us no later than 45 days from date of purchase with the original store receipt and a signed copy of the DB returns form to:

DB Cosmetics Refunds,
Total Beauty Network,
813 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave, Victoria 3170.